Optimize AI Training Performance With FastAI
Powerful Online Workstations

PCRental offers a wide range of Workstation configurations.
Accelerate AI training with top-tier GPU servers!

High-Performance Workstations for FastAI

Fast AI on PCRental delivers an exceptional experience for users in the fields of machine learning and deep learning. With the high performance of PCRental's powerful servers, users can train AI models quickly and efficiently. This service is not only flexible, with the ability to adjust and scale resources as needed, but also cost-effective, thanks to the server rental model instead of investing in expensive hardware. Additionally, PCRental provides dedicated technical support, ensures high security, and offers easy access from anywhere. All these factors help Fast AI users on PCRental optimize their workflow and achieve the highest efficiency in their AI projects.

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Packages and Pricing for Workstations for FastAI

We offer optimized and cost-effective GPU Workstations for FastAI.

Configuration 1

CPU: Intel Xeon GPU: NVIDIA Tesla V100

Configuration 2

CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3090
RAM: 128GB

Configuration 3

CPU: Intel Core i9 GPU: NVIDIA A100
RAM: 256GB

Benefits Of Using PCRental's Workstation

Cost savings

Renting PCs from PC Rental will significantly save costs compared to purchasing powerful computers yourself. You don't need to invest in expensive hardware or pay for maintenance and upgrades.

Superior Performance

Equipped with powerful NVIDIA GPUs, PC Rental's workstations ensure fast and efficient processing for complex tasks.

Scalable and Flexible

Easily scale from a single workstation to a cloud system with thousands of GPUs, meeting all your computational needs.

Minimize Maintenance and Management

We take care of the infrastructure and maintenance, including security updates, backups, and hardware repairs, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Physical servers

You can install software and use personal licenses on the rented computer just like on your own computer, easily integrating and maintaining a familiar working environment, ensuring high work efficiency.

24/7 Technical Support

PC Rental provides 24/7 technical support, helping you resolve any technical issues quickly and efficiently, ensuring your work process is uninterrupted and smooth.

Applications of FastAI

Main Use Cases of Deep Learning Using TensorFlow with GPU servers

Computer vision

The vision module of the Fastai library contains all the necessary functions to define a Dataset and train a model for computer vision tasks.

Tabular data

The tabular module contains all the necessary classes to handle tabular data (structured data).

Collaborative filtering

Collaborative filtering is when you’re tasked to predict how much a user is going to like a certain item. The fastai library contains a CollabFilteringDataset class that will help you create datasets suitable for training, and a function get_colab_learner to build a simple model directly from a ratings table.


The text module of the fastai library contains all the necessary functions to define a Dataset suitable for the various NLP (Natural Language Processing) tasks and quickly generate models you can use for them.

PC Rental - The Optimal Solution for FastAI

With PC Rental and FastAI, you will have a powerful and user-friendly solution at your disposal to develop advanced deep learning applications. Fast.ai is not only a powerful tool for developers and researchers but also an excellent learning platform for beginners in the field of AI. By choosing Fast.ai, users will have access to a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly deep learning tool. It can accelerate development processes, support a wide range of applications, and facilitate the achievement of advanced results. With FastAI and PCRental services, users will have a powerful and user-friendly tool to develop deep learning applications, thereby enhancing the value and efficiency of their work.

Online Workstations Dedicated to FastAI Users

High Performance

  • Quick and Efficient: Fast AI is a library designed for rapid and efficient machine learning model training. By using PCRental's powerful servers, the training time for models can be significantly reduced.
  • Powerful Hardware: PCRental's servers are equipped with advanced hardware, ensuring fast and effective processing of complex AI tasks.


Resource Adjustment: Users can easily adjust resources according to the specific needs of each project, thereby optimizing performance and work efficiency.

Resource Expansion: When more resources are needed to handle large datasets or complex models, users can quickly upgrade the service without any hassle.

Optimized for Deep Learning

  • Optimized Configuration: The servers at PCRental are optimally configured for deep learning tasks, helping Fast AI users achieve the best performance.
  • Software Support: PCRental provides pre-installed and optimized software environments for deep learning applications, saving time on installation and configuration.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Workstations for FastAI

What is FastAI?

FastAI is an open-source deep learning library built on top of PyTorch, designed to simplify the training and deployment of deep learning models. FastAI provides high-level APIs to help users quickly create powerful models, while also offering low-level APIs for more detailed customization and control.

To get started with FastAI, you need a basic understanding of Python programming and deep learning. However, FastAI provides extensive documentation and online courses to support beginners.

Yes. FastAI is optimized to run on GPUs, which helps accelerate model training and improve performance.

Yes. FastAI is built on top of PyTorch and integrates well with many other libraries in the deep learning and machine learning ecosystem.

FastAI documentation and online courses are available on their official website at docs.fast.ai and course.fast.ai.


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