Terms of Use

Terms of Use

PCRental encourages customers to thoroughly research and understand the terms of use before starting to use our services. This will help ensure that customers have the best experience while using our services and fully understand the regulations and conditions we apply. We are committed to creating a transparent and fair service environment where everyone is treated with respect and fairness.

Customer Responsibilities

1.Customer’s Legal Responsibility: Customers are legally responsible for all data and software on the workstation during the rental and usage period. Customers must ensure that the data and software do not violate laws regarding intellectual property rights, national security, and other relevant regulations. Actions such as gambling, betting, spreading malware, and fraudulent activities are prohibited. Customers will be legally responsible for any violations.
Personal Information and Data Security: Customers must protect their personal information and data related to their account. All security incidents such as loss, theft, or leakage of information must be immediately reported to PCRental for prompt support measures.

2.Data storage on servers: Customers are responsible for the safety and security of their personal data and source code stored on the workstation servers. PCRental is not liable for any loss or unauthorized access.

3. Remote access security: Customers need to ensure the security of the remote access rights granted by PCRental and must be held legally responsible if disclosing this access rights to third parties causes illegal acts. .

4.Notification of information change: Customers need to notify PCRental of any changes related to company name, address, billing address, bank account number, or estimated temporary time. discontinue service at least 15 business days before the change takes effect.

5.Comply with the contract: The customer commits to properly implement the rights and obligations under the signed contract and accompanying appendices.

6. Right to suspend service: Customers have the right to temporarily suspend use of the service if PCRental violates the contract.

These points are designed to ensure that every aspect of hiring and using the service is transparent and legally compliant, while helping to protect the interests of both customers and PCRental.

On the PCRental side

1. Commitment to providing services: PCRental commits to providing online workstation rental services in accordance with the terms and service functions agreed in the Service Cooperation Contract and attached appendices. If there are any changes in service functions, PCRental will notify and update customers to ensure the service is always appropriate and meets customer needs.

2. Protection of personal information: PCRental is committed to securing and protecting personal information and data provided by customers. We will not share this information with any third party without the express consent of the customer or without request from the competent authorities.

3. Complaint resolution: PCRental commits to resolve all complaints from customers related to service quality within no more than 24 hours from the time the complaint is received.

4. Data disclaimer: PCRental will not be responsible for compensation for any data loss that occurs due to customer error, intentional actions from third parties over which the customer has no control, system failure, or force majeure factors.

5. Right to suspend the contract: PCRental has the right to unilaterally temporarily stop providing services if the customer violates the terms of the contract and appendix. This cooling off period will end when the breach is resolved and does not affect the overall term of the contract.

6. Technical support: PCRental is committed to providing continuous technical support to customers throughout the workstation rental period. This support includes help with installation, configuration, and resolving technical issues that customers may encounter during use.

7. Notification updates: PCRental will notify customers via email or text of any changes related to service or maintenance schedules, ensuring customers are always updated and able to prepare Fit.

8. Responsibility for system errors: In the event of an error, interruption or loss of connection due to PCRental’s equipment or system, we will apply a rental fee deduction according to the established fee schedule. However, PCRental will not be responsible for compensation for any other damages, unless in special cases we will provide regular support policies specifically for customers.

These commitments are designed to ensure that PCRental customers can trust and feel secure when using our services, and also to ensure that the quality and security of our services are always maintained. maintained at the highest level.